Career Strategy Coaching in NYC

If you’re looking for someone to help streamline your career, you need career strategy coaching. At Pilot Light Coaching we specialize in helping individuals craft and follow through on career plans that match their skills and dreams. Our approach is personalized, making sure that you have clear steps to take on your career journey. We focus on your strengths, helping you to build on them and move forward in your job or business. Whether you’re starting out or aiming higher, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
  • Certified life coach

  • 90-day transformative program

  • Unique strategy based on experience


Passion, Purpose to Profit

Elevate your life in 6 weeks: Rediscover passion, gain confidence, and unlock abundance with our mind-shifting program, offering strategies for clarity, purpose, and streamlined paths to profitability.

Entrepreneurial Mastery

Unleash your business potential with clarity, market identification, and a 90-day plan for transformative results, whether uncertain about direction or seeking more family time as a Coach/Consultant

Salon Growth Bootcamp

Transform your salon business with our weekend bootcamp and 6-week follow-up, empowering you to execute scalable systems, boost profits, create organization, and elevate experiences for clients and team members.

C Suite - Power Pivot

Elevate your success in Corporate America with 'C Suite - Power Pivot.' Gain strategic support to pursue your purpose, create profits, and unlock opportunities with confidence.

Are you looking to partner with a career strategy coaching service in NYC?

How We Help You Improve Through Career Strategy Coaching

Career strategy coaching starts with us sitting down together and looking at where you are in your career. We’ll talk about where you want to go and how we can get you there. Our role is to give you the tools and ways to think that help you move forward. When you book us for our career strategy coaching in NYC, we’ll work on understanding what kind of work fits you best. We’ll explore what skills you have and what new skills you might want to learn. If you dream of being your own boss, you’ll have access to our entrepreneur mentor in Manhattan who will share their knowledge about starting and running a business. For those already leading their ventures, our coaching for businesses in Manhattan can help you see your business in new ways and grow it. We look at your whole career path, not just the job you have now. Our goal is to help you improve business potential in NY whether that means climbing the ladder in your current field or starting fresh in a new one. Sometimes, it can even mean you become a public event coach, teaching others what you’ve mastered. We are here to help you see all the options and make the best choices for your career.

Group career coaching

Book a Career Strategy Coaching Session

Are you ready to take your career to new places with a career strategy coaching session? If you have goals and dreams, we’re here to help you plan the steps to achieve them. You can learn from our business coach in Manhattan who knows how to help you grow. Let’s create a plan that’s just for you. To start your journey, simply contact us and let’s get you on the path to your dream career today.

"I appreciate this book so much, it has me thinking about relationships and past behaviors that I didn't know needed to be addressed. Now I'm thinking about grudges I still currently hold and the bases of the grudges are all about how I feel like I'm right. I will keep this book close to me. Congratulations on your first book! ❤️"

Nia -
