Group career coaching

How To Create Executive Team Unity That Produces Results

Group career coaching

How to Create Executive Team Unity that Produces Results

By Kimberley Givens

Team unity is the act of a team that responds as one person.

If you’ve never been a part of a team that responds with one mind, you’re missing out on one of the world’s wonders. 

I have a friend that was a part of a championship basketball team. 
He tells the story of joining the team as a young freshman and witnessing the phenomenon first hand. 
“We had in exceptional group of teammates, whose only goal was to win. The skill set of each team member was very diverse; not everyone could shoot, some were slow, one was even fat an unathletic.
Our all-American center,  was only 6′ 5 and couldn’t shoot a foul shot, if his life depended on it.
We had a guard with a bad knee,  who we affectionately nicknamed “Hobbes”, but opposing teams all throughout the league had a healthy respect for our competitiveness.” 
“I can remember what a shock it was trying to get used to playing with this group. they had a psychic knowing that is difficult to describe unless you’d experienced it. 
If you’re a basketball fan or know anything about the game, imagine someone throwing a pass to a spot where you’re expected to be although you are not there yet, if that makes sense.
Now imagine that you and that pass arrive at the exact same time. It’s sort of like that.

There was no selfishness at all, in hindsight, we didn’t have time for it, because everyone had a different skill set.

You fit in the system and did your part and that part complemented everyone else’s part.  It’s very difficult to beat a team like that.”

“You fit in the system and did your part and that part complemented everyone else’s part. 

It’s very difficult to beat a team like that.”

"Where there is no vision, the people perish"

How Important It Is To Have A Clear Vision

It all starts with a vision. There’s a fairly well known and ultimately very appropriate saying with regards to team unity,  it says “where there is no vision the people perish” 
This can also be extended to teams. The most important component of developing team unity is the vision. A shared vision is key when organizing any team. You’re group must align themselves with a clear vision of what needs to be done. It is ultimately up to the leader to communicate that clear vision.

How Important Is Communication and Rehearsal?

Assumptions can be detrimental when it comes to creating team unity how many times have you lamented over a personal decision after hearing someone say, “I assumed it was going to happen like this.”
Communication is a must, which means there has to be a rehearsal ahead of time to discuss all facets of the vision. 
In order to be successful, you have to know ahead of time what your teammates think about the vision; how are they processing mentally what has been discussed as the vision or the goal. 
There’s an old saying that is used in the military; “the map is not the territory.”
A regular meeting in advance of team implementation is key. This is where all communication starts. If your team is well rehearsed with the ideas and methods that have been discussed and practiced at length there’s less of a chance of miscommunication while you’re actually in the battle.

The Psychic Power Of Trust

Communication and experience breed trust which is also super important part of building team unity. 
If you’ve ever had a best friend who could share a glance in the company of others and you automatically knew what she was thinking, that’s trust.
The two of you have discussed it all before.  You know exactly what the content of her look says. You know each other like a book, words are not needed; trust handles everything. 

The Importance Of Respecting Different Opinions

Although the overall vision has to be accepted by all teammates,  descent and difference of opinion must be respected.
If you are lucky enough to manage a diverse group you are dealing with a collective mind that can process experience from many different angles.
This should be embraced, because one person can’t think of everything and may not have the experience in every area.


Team unity in all forms executive or athletic is a complex mixture of putting diverse pieces together that create one beautiful experience. 
Vision, communication, trust and respect for difference in opinion are all components that lead to successful team unity.