Profit Coach

A profit coach can be the guiding light to lead your business towards greater financial success. Pilot Light Coaching offers the services of a profit coach to help you identify areas where your business can increase earnings and reduce unnecessary expenses. By working with a profit coach, you gain an ally who is focused on boosting your bottom line. We can help you craft strategies to enhance profitability and drive sustainable growth for long-term success.

  • Certified life coach

  • 90-day transformative program

  • Unique strategy based on experience


Passion, Purpose to Profit

Elevate your life in 6 weeks: Rediscover passion, gain confidence, and unlock abundance with our mind-shifting program, offering strategies for clarity, purpose, and streamlined paths to profitability.

Entrepreneurial Mastery

Unleash your business potential with clarity, market identification, and a 90-day plan for transformative results, whether uncertain about direction or seeking more family time as a Coach/Consultant

Salon Growth Bootcamp

Transform your salon business with our weekend bootcamp and 6-week follow-up, empowering you to execute scalable systems, boost profits, create organization, and elevate experiences for clients and team members.

C Suite - Power Pivot

Elevate your success in Corporate America with 'C Suite - Power Pivot.' Gain strategic support to pursue your purpose, create profits, and unlock opportunities with confidence.

Our specialized consultant can help you develop strategies to increase profitability and financial success

What is a Profit Coach?

A profit coach is someone who specializes in helping businesses increase their profitability. The role of our profit coach involves analyzing your business’s financial health and identifying strategies to improve it. Their expertise lies in recognizing opportunities to increase income and reduce costs without compromising quality or service. Working with our profit coach means gaining an expert ally who can offer profit support through financial insights and action plans tailored to your business needs. They assist in setting financial goals, budgeting wisely, and making informed decisions that positively affect your company’s bottom line. We have a business coach in Manhattan who can introduce you to systems and processes that streamline operations, cut waste, and boost productivity. This is crucial in a city where every penny counts. Our entrepreneur mentor in Manhattan does the same job a profit coach does. She shares her knowledge and experiences to empower business owners to navigate the competitive marketplace successfully. We’re not just advisors; we are partners in your quest for financial success.

Book our Profit Coach

If you’re looking to boost your business’s financial health, a profit coach can set you on the right path. We offer guidance to help you increase your earnings and manage expenses effectively. If you’re ready to turn financial challenges into growth opportunities, it’s time to act. Contact us and let’s work together to shape a more profitable future for your business. Let’s build a strategy that increases your numbers and your success.

"I appreciate this book so much, it has me thinking about relationships and past behaviors that I didn't know needed to be addressed. Now I'm thinking about grudges I still currently hold and the bases of the grudges are all about how I feel like I'm right. I will keep this book close to me. Congratulations on your first book! ❤️"

Nia -
